Depression Therapy

"There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t." - John Green

Everyone has a bad day every now and then, but if they start to pile up there may be a bigger problem at hand. It’s estimated that one in six people will experience some form of depression in their lives – and less than half of these people get the help that they need. If this sounds like you, it may be time to explore depression therapy.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by extended feelings of sadness and emptiness that interfere with your everyday life. It’s different from sadness or grief and rarely goes away without some form of treatment.

Symptoms of Depression


While no one experiences depression in the exact same way, there are a number of signs to look out for if you suspect you or a loved one may be going through a depressive episode.

  • Experiencing feelings of sadness and emptiness
  • Feeling guilty and worthless
  • Feeling hopeless and pessimistic
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or work
  • Constant irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Slowed movements and speech
  • Social withdrawal
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Having suicidal thoughts
  • Thoughts fixated on death
  • Pain (headaches, muscle aches)

To be diagnosed with depression, symptoms need to be present for longer than two weeks.

Causes of Depression


Depression is not a simple disorder and is often caused by a combination of various things. These may include:

  • Brain structure. The pathways or circuits that send information in your brain sometimes don’t work the way they should. This is thought to be linked to depression, although not fully understood yet.
  • Genes. Sometimes, depression is inherited. Your genes tell you the inherent likelihood of developing it, but this is not an exact science just yet.
  • Life events. Traumatic or disturbing events can trigger a depressive episode. These include the death of a loved one, financial trouble, losing your job, moving to a new town, divorce or breakup, or any other situation that puts a strain on your wellbeing.
  • Childhood issues. Disturbing or troubling events in childhood can cause depression later on in life. This may be caused by brain changes following trauma.
  • Other conditions. Different conditions can cause or worsen depression, including drug abuse, alcohol abuse, anxiety, illness, chronic pain, sleep problems, and eating disorders.

Types of Depression

There are several categories that depression can be split into. These include:

Major Depressive Disorder


The most severe form, major depressive disorder is when symptoms are experienced persistently over at least a two-week period.

Persistent Depressive Disorder


This is a sad, heavy, or hopeless feeling that is less severe, but chronic. There may be periods of time where symptoms are less noticeable, but to be considered persistent depressive disorder they need to last at least two years.

Postpartum Depression


There is quickly growing knowledge about this form of depression, which occurs after giving birth. Many women struggle with major depression following the birth of their child – and may find it challenging or even impossible to bond with their babies.

Psychotic Depression


Those with psychotic depression display typical depression symptoms as well as psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.

Seasonal Affective Disorder


Seasonal affective disorder occurs when depression is onset during the months with less natural sunlight, and typically lifts during spring and summer. This form of depression is cyclical and predictably returns each year at around the same time.

‘Situational’ Depression


Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that cause us to feel depressed, and if we were removed, we would feel completely better. Situational depression occurs when a stressful event such as death, divorce, losing your job or moving, cause a depressive episode.

Treatment for Depression

Depression can be treated and managed. Typically, your healthcare provider will recommend medication, depression therapy, or holistic treatments. While Priya does not prescribe medication, she does teach other ways of dealing with depression.

Depression Therapy


Therapy helps you get to the root of whatever you’re feeling and then develops coping mechanisms to better manage your emotions. You work with your therapist to overcome fears and trauma, and to change behaviors that are not helping you. Your therapist will never judge you and will form a safe place for you to explore your emotions and feelings.

Some people find that they feel better after a few weeks of therapy, while others continue to go for years. You and your therapist will decide if and when you’ve made enough progress to stop going.

Holistic Approaches


There are a few holistic approaches to dealing with depression which include yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. At P.S. Love Yourself, Priya uses some or all of these methods as part of her programs.


More and more therapists are using yoga to help combat depression because it’s proven to reduce the impact of stress, increase serotonin levels, help with relaxation, and it improve overall energy levels. All of these things play a major role in happiness and help you on your personal road to recovery.




Meditation alone will not cure depression, but it can certainly make it more manageable by helping with the feeling of hopelessness you may be experiencing. By learning how to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, meditation allows you to overcome negative and critical thinking.



Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is a type of behavioral therapy that gives someone suffering with depression the appropriate tools to recognize negative thought patterns and the ability to talk them back. By learning how to disempower depressive thoughts, patients are able to establish a whole new way of thinking about themselves and their situation.

depression therapy

When & Where to Get Help: Depression Treatment in South Florida

There is a growing amount of information available about the many ways depression may present itself – and a growing amount of hope for anyone struggling. If you are showing persistent signs of depression, do not be afraid to ask for help and when you do, it’s important to work through your problems in an environment that is loving and supportive. At P.S. Love Yourself, Priya D’Singh is self-love therapist who has a passion for helping people suffering from depression overcome their struggles using the latest in psychotherapy methods. If you or someone you love is looking for help coping with your depression, contact Priya D’Singh at 954-806-5569 to begin your journey of self-love and acceptance today.


*Call for Pricing


This is a customizable 12-week program that will be created to help you learn how to cope with painful emotions and manage them on your own. Life can have many tragic, depressing or painful transitions. If you will allow me to, I can show you how to love yourself first and heal. Each session is 60 minutes.


This 24-week program is designed to help survivors of simple and complex trauma heal. In this program, I will teach you about trauma and how it affects your brain. You will have the opportunity to develop healthy coping skills that may aide in managing triggers, flashback, panic attacks, anxiety and depression. We will work together to create a mindfulness practice that works for you. In addition, I will help you learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries. This program is intended to guide you through the journey of self-love and to help you heal from those “invisible” wounds. Each session is 60 minutes.

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You changed my life in so many ways. I'm shocked at the positive impact you had on my life in such a short space of time. Sometimes I can't believe it. I appreciate you so much.
It was really difficult for me to connect with any therapist and I had tried therapy a couple of times. When I worked with you it never felt like therapy. You were the only therapist I could connect to and by far the best therapist I ever had.